hello and happy monday!
I have started a new hobby (suprise suprise)
These cute things i am making to help with
the Tommy Fields Firefighter Memorial Statue,
if you have read in any of posts before
he was my husbands best friend that died
of colon cancer in may. We were supposed to have a street
dance a few weeks ago, but because of the hurricane it got
rained out and it will go on next spring. Hopefully today i will
have a blog just for these, so stay tuned to get all the details

We had a great weekend, except for Ms Kennedy

We had a great weekend, except for Ms Kennedy
was very sick, with some kind of virus
Thes two just adore each other
Sweet Brother...

I don't think i mentioned about what happened thursday when i stayed home with them because bryer was sick.

I don't think i mentioned about what happened thursday when i stayed home with them because bryer was sick.
This little girl might look like a angel but she isn't
I asked her if she wanted to go hang the laundry out to dry with and she said no she wanted to stayinside with brother
i came back in about 5 minuates later and she
had decided to take her diper off and poop and pee in the floor.
I didn't know what to do, should i get on to her or what.
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