It has seemed like forever since i have blogged last. I have had some site issues but finally got them fixed tonight. I have been working on several projects like painting my house and redecorating, i will show all the pics when i am done completly. I got a new camera so i had to show off some pics i took of my friends and hubby on a grassfire yesterday.
That is my hubby and no he is not wearing a helmet, i swear i don't know what they taught him in FF1
Here he is again. That guy hanging his head out the window is chad, he is the newest member and me and him took our emt together
This is TJ, me and him went to school together
Saturday night we went out for my SIL bday, this is etta my best friend from high school
michael and his step brother, i don't know what happened to the picture of my SIL (step)
Prayer Request!!!
I take my national registry thursday evening and i am so nervous. I have been trying to study but you know how that can go with two wild ones. Pray that i pass that thing and not have to take it again
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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